By ouahmane - mai 27, 2017
Part of my life! MY DRESS CODE
In my life, style has always been a way of self-expression. A way to communicate how we think of ourselves without opening our mouths. One thing that has always been very important to me, is that my style is variable. My day is usually long, hectic and very diverse in terms of locations and environments I find myself in. So I feel comfortable knowing that my outfit can adjust to any
situation if necessar
fashion and emotions – really? The way we dress tells others a lot about who we are and how we
feel. Did you know that major color trends are often a reflection of the general mood of the population? In an economical downturn, during which financial hardship plagues almost the entirety of a population, colors in fashion tend to be more dull and dark. In spring on the other hand, when flowers start to blossom and we’re awaken by sun rays in the morning, we tend to dress more colorful and vibrant, more extravagant even.
the look lends itself for more formal occasions, not entirely office ready, but you look well puttogether. Open it up, flip up the collar, or take it off entirely and you have a much more rugged look. If you wanna go full on beach, button down the shirt and bath in the sun. That’s what I’m all about with fashion, versatility and different vibes :)
Finally it has come thus far spring time in morocco . And if you haven’t noticed it by the mere weather, gentlemen like this one here will show it with their outstanding attire.This spring, do me one favor: please don’t shy away from colors and from mixing and matching them. It’s spring – celebrate that wonderful feeling you get when you walk down the street and the first warm rays of sunlight hit the skin of your face. Show how you feel
Hello Fashion Lovers!
I want to welcome all of you with my first post, right here, right now, to my menswear blog
So the purpose of this blog, is to offer you guys interesting and relevant posts about Menswear – may it be personal or street style, trend analysis, styling tips or even just how menswear&fashion relate to other arts.
For me, it is about sharing the passion I have for fashion, and the understanding that I’ve gained of it from going to the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.
Here are a couple of older shots, that – in essence – portray me and my understanding of style.
I hope this blog speaks to you, the way fashion speaks to me
Chelsea Boots by Ankari Floruss
Shirt by Reiss
Pants by Dunhill | Similar here
Shades by Ray Ban | Shop here

Shirt by Reiss
Pants by Dunhill | Similar here
Shades by Ray Ban | Shop here

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